Seni jahitan tudung

Wanita Muslimah di seluruh dunia menghargai peranan tudung dalam membuatkan mereka merasa diri mereka tidak hanya dinilai dari kecantikan fizikal. Ada yang memakai tudung kerana mereka inginkan perlindungan dari mata-mata yang memandang, dan tudung memberikan mereka keselesaan itu. Ada pula yang memakai tudung hanya untuk mematuhi suruhan agama semata-mata. Berjuta-juta wanita Islam menyarung tudung di kepala mereka dengan kerelaan dan rasa kebebasan dan dengan pilihan sendiri. Apa jua pilihan mereka, tudung yang dijual di pasaran datang dalam pelbagai rupa, bahan, dan gaya, atau mereka boleh membuat tudung mereka sendiri. Menjahit tudung ada seninya; tudung juga boleh disediakan dengan cara DIY.

  • Tudung jenis empat segi

Tudung ini ialah yang paling senang untuk dibuat. Ambil sehelai kain yang lebarnya 45 inci (bidang 45). Ukur kain yang panjangnya 45 inci juga. Potong sekeping kain dengan ukuran ini. Jahit untuk kemaskan bahagian tepi kain dan betulkan mana yang perlu. Anda boleh menambah jumbai manik dan reka bentuk sempadan bermanik atau mana-mana reka bentuk sempadan sulaman pada tudung anda, dan tadaa – sudahpun siap!

  • Tudung jenis segi tiga

Tudung segi tiga pada asasnya ialah tudung empat segi yang dilipat menyerong di bahagian tengah, menjadikannya berbentuk segi tiga. Secara alternatifnya, anda boleh memotong sehelai kain sebagai tiga segi bergantung kepada kelabuhan yang anda inginkan. Anda juga boleh memotong sekeping fabrik empat segi (tudung empat segi sama, bidang 45) secara menyerong di bahagian tengah, terutamanya jika anda menggunakan fabrik yang berat dan anda tidak mahu lapisan berganda. Anda boleh jahitkan manik pada bahagian kecil bucu tiga segi untuk hiasan.

  • Tudung serlom

Untuk membuat tudung ini, ambil sekeping kain empat segi berukuran 42 inci, atau anda boleh mengambil keseluruhan kain yang anda ada. Potong sekeping fabrik empat segi berukuran 42 inci secara menyerong di bahagian tengah seperti di bawah (dari garisan A ke B).

Lipat bahagian segi tiga supaya A bertemu B. Anggap titik tengah sebagai E. Tandakan E- C sebagai 24 inci (kelabuhan bahagian belakang tudung, boleh panjangkan lagi jika mahu). Tanda E-F 11 inci – ini untuk bukaan muka.

Kemudian, tandakan E-D sebagai 22 inci. Tandakan setiap 2 inci di sepanjang garisan C-D dari E 22 inci (hanya apabila anda menghala ke D, tambah panjangnya sedikit kepada 24 inci).

Ini ialah tudung yang sangat mudah untuk dijahit. Hanya satu jahitan sahaja yang diperlukan, iaitu di bahagian tengah di depan bawah pembukaan muka (dari dagu ke bawah). Untuk jahit, selesaikan tepi kain untuk bukaan muka, dan gabungkan kedua-dua bucu di bawah pembukaan muka.

Jenis-jenis tudung di atas adalah antara yang paling popular di Malaysia. Tudung-tudung ini juga sangat mudah dibuat. Bayangkan anda bebas memilih fabrik sendiri dan membuat tudung anda sendiri. Seni jahitan tudung amatlah mudah dipelajari, dan mana tahu, anda mungkin boleh memulakan perniagaan tudung anda sendiri!

Inilah peluang terakhir anda! Sertai kempen fesyen Gayamu, Caramu oleh Lazada dan berpeluang memenangi hadiah wang tunai keseluruhan bernilai RM60,000, kredit iklan Lazada Sponsored Discovery kesuluruhan bernilai RM3,000 dan banyak lagi!

Nak jadi bos tersendiri? Daftar sebagai penjual Lazada hari ini!

Ikuti kami di FacebookInstagramTikTok serta subscribe channel YouTube kami untuk informasi terkini mengenai e-dagang dan pelbagai tips menjadi penjual dalam talian yang berjaya.

Promotional campaigns are important for sellers

A marketing or promotional campaign is a valuable tool to introduce and promote a product or an aspect of a product to the public and to attract potential consumers. Promotional campaigns can improve and increase brand awareness, as well as contribute to generating consumer interest in a business.

One of the most common methods of promotional campaigns is through the use of social media, email marketing, TV, radio, digital marketing, and so on. Campaigns can be humorous or entertaining, provocative or informative. But what they have in common is that all great promotional campaigns will generate further business and take your brand to success.

Benefits of promotional campaigns

Promotions are an integral part of a successful marketing strategy and can enable an increase in sales and boost revenue for your business. When promotions are targeted, personalized and data-driven, you can craft a promotions strategy that benefits both your business and your customers. Consistent marketing campaigns that communicate a clear message have a chance to succeed and bring great results. Some of the benefits of effective campaigns include:

Sell more products or services.

The number one goal of promotional marketing is to of course increase your revenue by selling more products. Campaigns do that by increasing your brand and product awareness, as it creates compelling messages, content and images that brings your brand and products to the forefront. Use promotional campaigns to introduce newly launched products or services or highlight your competitive advantage such as enhancements or new features that have been added to existing products or services.

Attract new customers

Promotional campaigns allow companies to cast a wider net and introduce the brand to more people. It also enhances your chances of converting one-time customers into loyal customers. Promotions may also compare and contrast with other leading brands, in hopes of stealing their customers. A campaign can also lead to a leap in world-of-mouth promotion. By spreading the word to the right audience, you can encourage valuable customer referrals and bring in new business.

Reposition a brand

Your business reputation is very important. Effective campaigns can help you focus on the competitive advantages of your products and give it a new identity or perhaps a revival if needed. Promotional marketing campaigns can help you to showcase the distinctive added value to customers, how suitable your products are for their budgets as well as any after-sales support and solutions. It can shift how audiences formerly thought of a brand, giving it a new purpose in the marketplace, and bringing a new audience.

Increases customer trust and loyalty

Customers who see your consistent promotional messages across multiple platforms are more loyal and view you as forward thinking. A campaign that involves brand representatives interacting directly and warmly with customers, through channels such as social media for example, can also greatly boost confidence and trust in a company. Any honest and responsive exchange can engender trust. Regularly participating in promotional campaigns may also lead to existing customers regularly purchasing products and remaining loyal to the brand.

Making your brand visible

The primary purpose of doing a marketing campaign is to introduce a brand or product to the broader community and imprint on people’s minds. By increasing the sheer sight of logos, taglines, products and company names, the promotion can have a psychological impact on consumers. If potential customers continue seeing your brand’s promotional messages, they may become more aware of your business and begin to think of you when shopping, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Educating your customers

Today’s consumers often thoroughly research every product and service they want to buy. Promotional campaigns can also be used to educate your customers about the uses of available products or services your business offers, and how they can use what you’re offering to solve related problems.

Take part in a promotional campaign with Lazada today!

It’s easy to incorporate promotional campaigns into your marketing efforts when you’re a seller with Lazada. Lazada Marketing campaigns are special sales events held by Lazada, generating massive traffic to the Lazada website during these events. Lazada’s on-site resources such as home page banners and campaign management tools, as well as brand exposure on Lazada’s social media are some of the tools that also helps deliver results for sellers.

You can join the Lazada marketing campaign by following these easy steps:

  • Go to the seller center homepage
  • Click on promotions
  • Click on campaign management
  • Select the campaign and click join

By joining Lazada’s marketing campaigns, you get several potential benefits including :

  • Campaign daily net order of 7x the average daily net orders
  • Up tp 5.5x the average daily sales
  • Campaign visits are 5x the average daily visits
  • High revenues during campaign periods

Mega Campaigns such as Lazada’s Birthday Sales, 11.11 or 12.12 sales have seen active consumer participation over the years. Lazada’s shopping festivals such as the 9.9 Big Brands Sale Campaign also saw an increasing number of participating brands on LazMall reporting a spike in sales figures.

A lot of hype is built before the campaign day itself, with Lazada promoting the events and driving traffic to participating brands’ storefronts one week before the campaign, an important element that helps participating businesses. Strong social media marketing also helps to boost sales.

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.

Apakah yang pelanggan anda cari apabila membeli sepasang kasut?

Ada pelbagai sebab mengapa pelanggan anda mahu membeli sepasang kasut, dan menarik perhatian mereka adalah penting dalam perniagaan ini. Anda mungkin mengahabiskan banyak masa menyelidik kemahuan dan keperluan pengguna. Walau apa pun kaedah yang digunakan oleh anda untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara kreativiti dan analisis objektif dalam pembelian kasut, mengetahui faktor utama yang mendorong pembelian ini adalah penting.

  • Jenama

Orang ramai tertarik kepada jenama kasut dan perniagaan yang ada nama, logo, dan slogan yang biasa mereka lihat atau dengar. Oleh itu, membina kesedaran jenama, dan akhirnya kesetiaan jenama yang kukuh, adalah penting untuk menjamin kejayaan anda dalam perniagaan kasut.

  • Kasut yang bagus

Duhh, kan? Reka bentuk yang hebat akan membantu, terutamanya jika ianya unik: contohnya, kasut rekaan artis. Ciri-ciri tambahan yang bagus seperti tapak bercetak 3D atau reka bentuk yang baik untuk meningkatkan prestasi larian adalah antara contoh bagaimana teknologi boleh memberi kesan kepada jualan kasut anda.

  • Maklumat saiz yang tepat

Kaki berbeza dalam saiz, bentuk, dan lebar, dan faktor ini tidak selalu diambil kira oleh penjual. Anda sendiri mungkin pernah memakai kasut yang mencederakan kaki anda semasa anda mula-mula mencubanya dan anda rela memaksa diri anda untuk melalui kesakitan dengan harapan untuk “membiasakan” diri anda dengan kasut baru itu. Ini tidak patut dan boleh menyebabkan kecederaan kekal pada struktur tulang kaki dan juga parut yang berkekalan! Pelanggan anda akan menghargai keselesaan yang mereka dapat dari jenama anda. Perkara-perkara seperti ini juga akan terpapar di bahagian reviews produk anda, satu lagi faktor yang dicari oleh pelanggan ketika membeli sepasang kasut!

  • Trend

Ada dua jenis perniagaan kasut: yang mencipta trend kasut dan yang mengikut trend. Panggilan ‘pengikut trend’ mungkin berbunyi negatif – tetapi sebenarnya tidak. Ada keuntungan yang boleh dibuat untuk kedua-dua inovator dan syarikat yang meninjau trend pasaran dan mencipta produk yang sesuai mengikut acuan trend tersebut. Menarik, kan? Ada banyak peluang untuk mengukir kedudukan anda dalam pasaran ini dan anda tidak sepatutnya merasa anda perlu untuk menjadi inovatif sahaja. Anda boleh fikir untuk menawarkan teknologi kasut sneakers yang baik atau sekadar menawarkan pelbagai idea gaya popular pada musim-musim tertentu. Mungkin itu yang pelanggan mahu.

  • Kualiti

Kualiti tinggi datang dengan ketahanan yang tinggi, bermakna kasut akan bertahan lebih lama. Setiap aspek kasut yang anda jual akan disemak oleh pelanggan untuk menentukan kualiti. Ini termasuk bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat kasut.

  • Jualan dan promosi

Anda tentu ingat berapa kali anda membeli sesuatu yang anda tidak perlukan atau mahukan hanya kerana kasut tersebut ‘on sale’? Sukar untuk menafikan fakta ini; promosi meningkatkan jualan. Anda juga tidak harus selalu bergantung kepada diskaun. Ganjaran seperti pembungkusan hadiah percuma atau hadiah kecil untuk hari jadi sudah mencukupi.

Untuk menjadi penjual kasut yang berjaya, anda harus memahami faktor yang mendorong pembelian kasut dan bagaimana anda boleh menggunakan maklumat ini untuk memaksimakan jualan anda.

Sertai kempen fesyen Gayamu, Caramu oleh Lazada dan berpeluang memenangi hadiah wang tunai keseluruhan bernilai RM60,000, kredit iklan Lazada Sponsored Discovery kesuluruhan bernilai RM3,000 dan banyak lagi!

Nak jadi bos tersendiri? Daftar sebagai penjual Lazada hari ini!

Ikuti kami di FacebookInstagramTikTok serta subscribe channel YouTube kami untuk informasi terkini mengenai e-dagang dan pelbagai tips menjadi penjual dalam talian yang berjaya.

Gold, White Gold, and Rose Gold. What’s next?

While classic gold pieces aren’t going anywhere, here are the up and coming jewelry trends to set our sights on for 2023.

For most fashionistas, jewelry is often what makes and completes an outfit. A well-chosen piece of jewelry have the power to transform a casual outfit into a stylish work of art. However, like most of the fashion world, jewelry trends are often changing, and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural and social influences and celebrity or influencer fashion choices.

In recent years, jewelry trends that have gained popularity include delicate and minimalist jewelry, unique statement pieces from artisanal jewelers, mixing and matching metals and styles, and the use of sustainable and ethically sourced materials.

In particular, the shift toward using jewelry as a personal self-expression has been a long time coming, with increasing demand for standout pieces that reflect shoppers’ personalities and interests. However, classic silver and gold pieces remain consistent in its popularity, not just as a fashion item but also a symbol of wealth. Here are some other trends to look out for in the world of jewelry.

Enamored by enamel: Jewelry brand are embracing enameling, with enamel’s bright, eye-catching color trend finding a new and improved variation in jewelry this year. Fashion insiders are loving this decorative coating technique, with items like ear cuffs and hoops being dressed up in enamel, while it also adds a bright, playful touch to rings, necklaces and bracelets.

Statement silver: After years of gold tones reigning the jewelry scene, with rose gold briefly stealing the show, it is now silver’s turn to strut down the fashion runways. Chunky silver necklaces, earrings and bangles are having a comeback, and mixing of metals is also highly encouraged. Because it is so affordable and versatile, silver jewelry can be made into a wide range of designs and styles, and is often used for everyday wear.

It’s a pearl world: Pearls have been reigning on the jewelry scene for quite some time, as it is such a classic look. Whether worn in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets, this season’s trending pearls comes with a modern and contemporary edge. Thinly beaded pearl necklaces for instance, are the perfect addition for today’s layering trend. Whether you’re stacking multiple strands of the same beads, mixing and matching, or just letting a singular strand speak for itself, classic and elegant pearls are here to stay.

Still a girl’s best friend: Everyone’s favorite gemstone, diamonds are a classic and timeless gemstone that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and can be set in a variety of metals. New generations of conflict-free and environmentally kinder lab-grown diamonds are also becoming increasingly popular as eco-conscious consumers are more open to the stones now, and brands are becoming more creative about what it is possible to do in a lab.

Precious platinum: Due to its luxurious and durable nature, platinum is a metal that is often used in engagement rings and wedding bands. More expensive than gold and silver, its rarity and durability makes it a still highly sought after jewelry. Many consumers see platinum as synonymous with love and diamonds, which makes it a piece of emotional significance. Jewelers are also seeing a growing trend of men buying platinum chains and bracelets.

Bold cuffs: Cuff Jewelry worn at the wrist or higher up on the arm are a favorite style for 2023. Oversized or dainty and slim, cuff bracelets, also sometimes known as bicep bracelets, arm cuffs, armlets, or armbands, are proving themselves to be the easiest way to elevate any look. The silhouette is often just a thick, arched curve but it will make the wearer stand out on any occasion. Cuff jewelry are also usually adjustable which means it can be worn in multiple ways.

Colored gemstone: Modern customers want something that’s different and personal, and here are where colored gemstones such as sapphires, emeralds, and rubies shine. They can be used in a variety of settings and styles, and can be paired with other stones or metals for a unique and personalized look. Colored gemstones are also in demand to add a fun spark to outfits after the gloom of the pandemic.

Personalized jewelry:  In 2023, we may see more designers and brands offering customized options as personalized jewelry becomes more popular. From monogrammed necklaces to birthstone rings and engraved bracelets, personalized jewelry is a meaningful and sentimental way for shoppers to express their personality and style.

The good news for jewelry stores is that jewelry trends tend to stick around longer than those of other fashion items. Overall, there is a growing need for fun and functional styles that can be worn daily, as well as bright and modern pieces that shows off one’s personality.

Start your fashion store today and get your customers coming back for more when you join Lazada’s latest fashion Gayamu, Caramu campaign and stand a chance to win cash prizes total worth up to RM60,000, Sponsored Discovery Ads credit total worth up to RM3,000 and more!

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.

6 must-dos to increase handbag sales

Having a sales strategy for your handbag business helps to draw attention and create an in-demand product for long-term profit.

Handbags are one of the most desired personal products for women worldwide. There are many different types of products on the market, from high-end, luxury purses to more casual handbags. Designer handbags can command hundreds or thousands of Ringgit in sales, although it’s not just designer products that command attention.

For many women, handbags are an expression of their style and personality, which is why having a variety of different designs can be beneficial to your store. Made from various materials including leather, nylon, canvas, straw or jute, handbags are used by everyone for various purposes in their day-to-day life.

With the market expanding through independent and leading designers, it can seem a bit nerve-wrecking to jump into an industry with so many established brands, but the diversity of this category does leave room for smaller brands and start-ups to excel in specific niches.

If you’re new to the industry, you’re probably thinking about having a strong marketing plan to help you to increase your handbag sales. Whether you are thinking of selling luxury purses, practical backpacks or even fun tote bags for everyday use, here are six strategies you can implement to help boost your handbag sales:

1. Branding and visibility

Find a good way to spread the word about your handbag business and achieve greater visibility. One way to do so is with advertising campaigns, however these can sometimes be costly. If you’re just starting out, consider utilizing social media to spread the word about your brand and product. In general, Facebook and Instagram are usually the most efficient means when it comes to showcasing fashion items. Publish photographs of your handbags alongside catchy captions and descriptions. If it’s at all possible, getting a celebrity or well-known fashion influencer to wear and endorse your bag can catapult your brand by leaps and bounds. Other ways to increase visibility of your brand, would be to participate in giveaways or fashion-related events, which will not only allow you to network but also draw attention to your bag in an organic way.

2. Optimize your product description

Potential customers depend on your product descriptions to get the information they need. Make sure that your product descriptions are comprehensive, accurate, and engaging, highlighting the features of each handbag. This helps your customers feel more confident when making a purchase. Handbags are a visual product, so be sure to also include high-quality images, videos, or if possible, 360-degree product views to help customers better understand your handbags in order to make informed purchasing decisions.

3. Consider reselling

If you don’t necessarily want to make or design your own bags, exploring wholesale opportunities and reselling bags can be one way to enter the market. With reselling, you can sell handbags such as totes, clutches, travel bags, bags for kids and more, from wholesalers or other manufacturers. By creating a wholesale partnership with an established brand that has already made a name for itself, you won’t need to publicize your products from scratch. You can start adding more products to your online store once you’ve found your customer base, to add variety and generate a profit without having to create more products yourself.

4. Be unique

Handbags have always been a trending product, sought after by fashionistas. Offer something new, edgy and bold, and you will stand out from the competition, such as handbags featuring innovative and modern features like removable flaps or even power units. Besides the uniqueness of your products, be sure to offer quality to guarantee customer satisfaction and the loyalty of your potential customers.

5. Offer promotions

Customers are always looking for offers, which is why promotions must be included within the business plan of your handbag company. Running sales and promotions, whether they are discounts, special offers, free shipping or loyalty programs, can attract customers to your store, increase sales and improve your positioning. You can also offer discounts to first-time customers, people who subscribe to your email list or perhaps a free gift with each purchase of a handbag.

6. Offer variety

Consider expanding your handbag product line to include more variety. Because handbags are such a personal item and a reflection of the customers’ taste and style, having a bigger variety in terms of materials, sizes and design options will give your customers more to choose from. Having a larger variety can also help to attract new customers interested in different types of handbags. 

It’s never too late to start implementing these marketing strategies for your handbag store. Continuously improving on your product offerings and providing your customers with a unique shopping experience will help you to improve the visibility and appeal of your handbags and increase sales for your store!

Start your fashion store today and get your customers coming back for more when you join Lazada’s latest fashion Gayamu, Caramu campaign and stand a chance to win cash prizes total worth up to RM60,000, Sponsored Discovery Ads credit total worth up to RM3,000 and more!

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.

Athleisure vs Athleticwear. Must know facts.

Knowing the difference between the two could help you to redefine your products and increase sales.

The sportswear industry is clearly still on the rise in the aftermath of the pandemic, as consumers continue to prioritize their health and spend time exercising. Activewear and athleisure brands continue to flourish and their growth reflects consumers’ interest in a healthier lifestyle.

Is Athleisure and Athleticwear the same?

The quick answer is no. However, many people, mistake athleisure and athleticwear/activewear for the same thing and the lines can be easily blurred. This can lead to decreased sales opportunities as shoppers may not find what they’re after in search results. In order to make sure their message reaches the right audience, brands need to understand the difference between categories to implement the best sales and marketing strategies.

While they can both function as workout clothing, athleisure are trendy, fashionable, relaxed, and comfortable clothing, particularly popular among office workers, celebrities and social media influencers and young students.

Athleticwear/activewear on the other hand, is less about glamour and more about meeting the necessities of one’s body during physical exercise. Clothing that falls under the athleticwear category are typically more enduring, wicks moisture and is comfortable to wear.

Whatever the differences are, it is clear is that both categories are unique to our time and serve different functions. Let’s delve a little further into these two different entries:

What Is Athleisure?

Athleisure was born out of compromise. It tends to be a mix of sporty and trendy clothing, combining fashion and function and can be worn casually all day long. It has nothing to do with technical athletic wear. Athleisure has become the new trend, especially during the pandemic, with most of us stocking our closets with clothing that can be worn while working or playing. It takes traditional sporty clothing and integrates it into your every wardrobe.

Some athleisure clothes such as leggings or yoga outfits for example, can be worn during exercise, but the primary purpose of athleisure is to provide both good looks and comfort. Athleisure clothes are also great for traveling and walking, when you want to be comfortable and still look stylish or trendy. Some examples of athleisurewear include yoga pants, crop tops, high-waist leggings, tights and stretch chinos.

These days, athleisure tends to be more popular because it combines the aesthetics of both fashion and sport, and its versatility makes it an easy outfit to dress up or down depending on one’s purpose.

What Is Athleticwear?

Outdoor activities such as sports and exercise call for athleticwear. Athleticwear, which is also synonymous with Sportswear or Activewear, was created so that the person wearing it can move around freely and actively. The primary aim with athleticwear is its functionality. It is what you wear for your morning run, to play a game of tennis or to hit the gym for a good sweat session.

Athleticwear has been around longer than the athleisure industry and  generally include items such as running gear, cycling apparel, tracksuits, workout clothes, sports bras and more. Because it is worn during more vigorous workouts and movements, athleticwear is typically constructed of airy, quick-drying, figure-hugging material that makes the athlete feel comfortable as well as to handle workouts better.

Some key fabrics used in active wear include fabrics with softer profiles such as Spandex, Polyester, Nylon and Tencel. Patented performance fabrics also exists that employs specially-engineered fibers to improve ‘breathability’.

So don’t confuse athleisure clothing with just athleticwear anymore. Knowing the difference can help you to style and market your products more successfully, and will prove to be highly valuable in the long run as you run your business in this niche.

Start your fashion store today and get your customers coming back for more when you join Lazada’s latest fashion Gayamu, Caramu campaign and stand a chance to win cash prizes total worth up to RM60,000, Sponsored Discovery Ads credit total worth up to RM3,000 and more!

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.

Idea pembungkusan pakaian dan aksesori untuk 2023

Sebagai peniaga e-dagang yang mengepos pakaian dan aksesori menggunakan perkhidmatan kurier, pembungkusan yang anda pilih haruslah melindungi produk anda sambil mempamerkan penjenamaan anda. Berita baiknya ialah anda tidak perlu memilih antara reka bentuk, kemampanan, atau kualiti yang hebat: anda boleh memilih pembungkusan untuk pakaian anda yang memenuhi kesemua ciri-ciri ini.

  • Beg pakaian yang boleh kompos

Untuk memastikan pakaian yang anda jual sampai tanpa sebarang kedutan atau lipatan, anda boleh menggunakan beg pakaian. Beg pakaian yang jelas dan boleh dikompos ialah satu alternatif mesra alam yang hebat dan satu cara yang berkesan untuk mengemas pakaian atau aksesori. Bahan lut sinar beg ini bermakna pelanggan anda akan dapat melihat produk yang mereka pesan, sambil melindungi produk anda.

  • Tag gantung

Tag gantung ialah cara terbaik untuk berkongsi maklumat tambahan kerana ia boleh disesuaikan untuk mempamerkan butiran saiz pakaian, nama media sosial perniagaan atau stor anda, arahan penjagaan, dan jenis bahan. Jika produk anda unik, buatan tempatan, atau diperbuat daripada bahan yang mampan, sampaikan mesej ini di atas tag pakaian selain keistimewaan lain pakaian anda. Anda juga boleh menukar reka bentuk tag ini mengikut produk: edisi terhad, koleksi bermusim, atau pesanan pelanggan yang diperibadikan. 

  • Reka bentuk kreatif

Reka bentuk pembungkusan boleh fokus kepada beberapa aspek yang berbeza, seperti bahan mesra alam, nilai estetika tulen, atau budaya.

Kasut, khususnya, boleh dibungkuskan dengan banyak reka bentuk yang kreatif. Contohnya, sebuah jenama kasut Belgium mencipta kotak kasut yang bukan sahaja boleh muatkan kasut, tetapi boleh digunakan semula untuk menyimpan beer dan snek, dengan itu mengambil kira aspek budaya juga. Ada juga kotak kasut yang direka bentuk seperti buku. Kreativiti seperti ini membuatkan produk anda susah untuk dilupakan!

  • Beg tali serut untuk aksesori

Beg tali serut ialah pilihan yang bijak untuk membungkus aksesori yang halus (subang, rantai tangan, cincin, dan sebagainya) yang perlu disimpan rapi supaya tidak hilang dalam kotak yang besar. Beg kecil dan comel seperti ini akan memastikan barang aksesori anda selamat dalam kotak penghantaran apabila bergerak dalam transit. Memandangkan beg bertali seperti ini boleh digunakan semula, anda boleh mencipta sebuah jenama yang hebat yang akan menarik pelanggan untuk menyimpan beg itu lama selepas mereka menerima bungkusan anda. Selain itu, beg jenis ini diperbuat daripada 100% kapas organik dan bertujuan untuk digunakan semula.

  • Kertas tisu

Kertas tisu boleh melindungi produk yang halus seperti aksesori, selain pakaian. Mengepos produk dalam kertas tisu yang disuaikan untuk jenama anda akan menaikkan appeal produk anda dan menampilkan penjenamaan anda. Kertas tisu juga memberikan lapisan perlindungan tambahan dan ianya ringan untuk penghantaran.

Ada pelbagai pilihan pembungkusan untuk produk fesyen seperti pakaian dan aksesori: pastikan perniagaan anda mengutamakan pembungkusan yang akan mempamerkan jenama anda, yang masih bernilai kepada pelanggan anda selepas pembelian mereka, dan yang boleh dilupuskan secara bertanggungjawab selepas digunakan (bungkusan mesra alam). Pada tahun 2023 dan tahun-tahun yang akan datang, pengguna akan menghargai cara bungkusan yang mesra alam dan kreatif.

Sertai kempen fesyen Gayamu, Caramu oleh Lazada dan berpeluang memenangi hadiah wang tunai keseluruhan bernilai RM60,000, kredit iklan Lazada Sponsored Discovery kesuluruhan bernilai RM3,000 dan banyak lagi!

Nak jadi bos tersendiri? Daftar sebagai penjual Lazada hari ini!

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Lazada’s most searched fashion keywords

Take a closer look at these popular fashion keywords that will help your fashion eCommerce SEO.  

Fashion has always been the driving force behind the eCommerce industry, and no other industry is as influenced as strongly by trends and seasonality. Conducting keyword research and applying standard SEO practices for fashion eCommerce plays a big part in staying ahead of the game in this ever-changing industry.

Keywords are here, so search engines know the content of a page. But it may sometimes be hard to choose which fashion keywords to use. For your fashion SEO to be effective, the main keywords should be the ones that appeal to your target audience.

There are many ways to come up with keywords. Deriving keywords for your fashion store can come from Google Trends, your internal search function, your product catalogue and many more. There is no doubt that having an SEO strategy in place for your online fashion store is a great method to attract free traffic to a fashion eCommerce site.

Here are a few fashion keywords that will help you while doing fashion eCommerce SEO and to stay ahead of trends.

  • Baggy Jeans

Denim trends have been leaning towards more relaxed fits, and the search volume around ‘baggy jeans’ is gradually increasing. With the aftermath of the pandemic, more and more people are turning to comfort when it comes to how they dress. For now anyway, skinnies are on the way out, as even celebrities have started wearing baggy jeans and styling them in several forms. When it comes to the SEO activities of your fashion blog, the fashion keywords ‘baggy jeans’ might come in handy!

  • Activewear Keywords

In the event that you’re in the fitness apparel business, you’re in luck! Sports and fitness fashion are a fast growing industry, and the activewear category continues to boom in the aftermath of the pandemic for two reasons: more people are leaning towards comfortable, athleisure clothes, as well as prioritizing workouts and exercise for their health. Emphasize on your fitness apparel keywords such as ‘flattering workout clothes’, or ‘comfortable gym clothes’ in your descriptions, if you sell in this category.

  • Bags

Bags are still a popular fashion keyword in 2023, with plenty of subcategories from ‘everyday handbags’, ‘tote bags’ or even ‘Ita bag’, which is a small, trendy bag covered in pins, buttons and accessories topping the search list. Figure out who your audience are, what bags will most appeal to them and target your efforts, and keywords, accordingly.

  • Bra Tops

Bra tops, which were popular in the 70s, are making a comeback! They are a clothing category that sits between a crop top and a bra, and is especially popular in warm countries for obvious reasons! However, try to consider your website’s audience as this trend may not appeal to everyone. Use bra tops as your SEO fashion keyword, if  you think your target shopper segment is interested in this type of clothing.

  • High Rise Pants

Trends tend to circle around, and like bra tops, it looks like the trend of the high rise pants are making a fashion throwback. If you are doing fashion SEO, this is a keyword you should definitely use in your blog posts. Better yet, create a winning look pairing high-waisted pants with bra tops and a blazer to capitalize on current trending keywords.

  • Midi Skirt

Midi skirts come in all sorts of different patterns and fabric, and according to Google Trends, the keyword ‘midi skirt’ is growing in popularity. From leather midi skirts to midi pencil skirts and wrap midi skirts, this item can be dressed up with a billowy blouse or down with an everyday t-shirt, and is quickly becoming a wardrobe essential for many women. This is a must have SEO fashion keyword for your website.

  • Blazers

Blazers are getting bigger and better, and people are pairing it with classic jeans or coordinating trousers for a stylish look. Blazers also appeal to both the male and female audience, and can be worn casual or dressed up. Be specific and use long-form keywords such as ‘linen double-breasted blazer’ or ‘oversized stretch wool blazer’ in your descriptions to get better results.

  • Utility Jackets

Utility jackets are seriously trendy at the moment, and a lightweight jacket comes in handy when you’re on the go. Originally made as a practical cover-up to keep farmhands warm in the early 20th century, they have been reformed into fashionable style pieces and are worn by both men and women today. The perfect transitional piece, utility jackets can be layered over everything from high-waited jeans to sleep dresses.

  • Bling Accessories

Accessories make up a crucial category in fashion. If you are seeking to rank high in searches then it might be wise to write about the popular fashion accessories. Accessories encompasses necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, piercing jewelry – pretty much everything. However, some of the more popular keywords that are currently popular include ‘beads’, ‘charms’, ‘choker’, ‘crystal necklace’ and ‘anxiety rings’.

  • Corsets and Bustiers

Corsets and bustiers have been gaining momentum with the fashion-forward crowd for the last several years. They are an elegant form of lingerie that come in different shapes and materials offering many different styling options. Fashion keywords such as ‘floral bustier’, ‘corset top’, ‘lace bustier’, and even ‘cosplay’, which is the practice of dressing up as a character from a movie, book, or video game is on the rise.

Keeping up with the trends and figuring out the popular keywords at any given moment for  an eCommerce website is a tough but a fun practice. However, keyword research is an important marketing component for all fashion eCommerce stores and it will help you to optimize your product titles and descriptions for more organic traffic.

Start your fashion store today and get your customers coming back for more when you join Lazada’s latest fashion Gayamu, Caramu campaign and stand a chance to win cash prizes total worth up to RM60,000, Sponsored Discovery Ads credit total worth up to RM3,000 and more!

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.

Branding your store!

Consumers these days are savvy, knowledgeable and expect more meaningful experiences from brands. They choose one brand over the next because that brand connects with them on personal level.

Put simply, your brand is what customers perceive when they interact with your business. It is business mixed with emotion and engagement. Your brand tells your customers what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates your business from your competitors. In fact, the stronger your store identity is, the more it may resonate with your target audience, and the more customers will choose you over competitors – a win for you!

So whether you are just starting out with a business idea or want to enhance your current store, learning how to build (or rebuild) your brand will bring success to your store.

How does one build a brand for an online store?

Differing from a brick and mortar store where customers can physically touch, feel or experience your products, an online store needs to focus on different ways to brand. This encompasses your web presence, communications and products. Through visuals, messaging, and more, you show customers what your business is about and how you can serve them.

Differing from a brick and mortar store where customers can physically touch, feel or experience your products, an online store needs to focus on different ways to brand. This encompasses your web presence, communications and products.

Whether you’ve got nothing but a business idea or want to pivot your existing branding design, here’s what you need to know about building a strong brand identity for your business.

Share your story

There are thousands of businesses online. Why should someone give you their money over another? Here is where authenticity comes in. Tell your customers who you are and what you care about, share your origin story. You want to explain the greater reason why you started your brand. From there, talk about the benefits and features of your products or services. What do you stand for? Put all of these into an ‘About Us’ page. Your story should help you better position your business as well as emotionally connect with your customers.

Define your market and know your target audience

Before you make any decisions about how to create a business brand, you need to understand the current market, i.e., who your potential customers are. Always consider who your business is built for. Without knowing your audience, you can’t make any decisions about your branding. What do they look for in products or services? What are their most significant problems? All too often, many brands forget their audiences and focus on the product or the catalog, potentially missing out on valuable information that can increase sales. You can’t ​​establish your brand to be everything to everyone, especially at the start. So find your target audience and let that inform all the other parts of your brand as you build it.

Choose your business name and style

As a business owner, your company’s name is probably one of the first big commitments you have to make. It’ll impact your brand logo, your domain, your marketing. Ideally, a store name that’s hard to imitate or confuse with existing players in the market works best. Your brand name should be either clear about the service you provide, or intriguing enough to make people want to find out more. Once this has been established, spend some time choosing a style that reflects the focus of your brand and name. For example, if you want to be associated with fun, choose bright and happy colours in your images, logo and fonts.

Focus on product quality

Consumers are loyal to a product that they know they can rely on. If your products aren’t well made, you risk losing out on customer loyalty and customer referrals. Pay attention to the overall quality and reputation of your product. If you haven’t launched your e-commerce store yet, consider focusing on just one of your products to start. Use the opportunity to hone in on product quality, reputation, and customer service. Once you have mastered and succeed with one product, you can safely start venturing into other types of products to serve the same audience and niche.

Be true to your brand

Building trust is essential for any brand, but it’s especially critical for e-commerce brands. Online shoppers can’t meet you and assess your business in-person, so you have to digitally nurture your relationship, and deliver consistently on your brand promise to gain their trust. Your brand should remain consistent wherever your customers interact with you, from the theme you choose for your website, the marketing materials you produce, all the way to how you package and ship your products.

Community engagement

Finally, if you really want to start building lasting relationships with your customers from the get go, then genuine engagement and interaction is key. Although it can be time consuming, social media has made it easier than ever to connect with customers, and is the perfect opportunity to give your brand a true voice. It’s also important to stay active online to make sure your brand remains visible, and to continue sharing content and improving your brand awareness.

Whilst building a brand online seems like a lot of work, it really does have the ability to take your business to the next level. It’s one of the most important things you can do in order to get new business. It’s very easy to focus all of your attention on the products and services you are offering, but as the consumer industry is changing, it’s now vital to ensure you’re putting energy and effort into your branding.

Start your fashion store today and get your customers coming back for more when you join Lazada’s latest fashion Gayamu, Caramu campaign and stand a chance to win cash prizes total worth up to RM60,000, Sponsored Discovery Ads credit total worth up to RM3,000 and more!

Interested to be your own boss? Sign up as a Lazada seller today.

Follow us on FacebookInstagramTikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.