Here’s how a start-up nurtures imported leaves for healthier homes!

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It is known that we live in a world that gets more dangerous by the day, especially now with the infusion of unknown chemicals that can be found in many products out there. Luckily for Malaysians, John Leong, the founder and general manager of Eucapro Naturals, had a mission to make everyday health and cleaning products in Malaysia safer and affordable without compromising the environment.

John met with the inspiration to create his own eucalyptus-based products in 2017 after realizing that there were many products consisting of this natural ingredient that were sold widely across pharmacies and grocery stores back in Australia where he studied. Whereas in Malaysia, he noticed that Malaysians were still sleeping on this natural ingredient that could offer multitudes of benefits to everyday lives. That was when Eucapro started.

However, it was not all rainbows and butterflies at the beginning as the market for natural-based products was still pretty niche. This especially took a downward turn during the pandemic when John and his team ran out of ideas on how to make their product range more readily available for mass Malaysians throughout the country. That’s when John found Lazada.

Although John had limited knowledge on eCommerce platforms, it didn’t stop Eucapro. He and his team took advantage of the learning modules and seminars found at Lazada University to sharpen his understanding of eCommerce and how to sell on Lazada. Leveraging on Sponsored Discovery Tools and the Customer Engagement Management (CEM) tools, the platform has provided Eucapro with the exposure the brand very much needed to customers in Malaysia.

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Today, Eucapro is among one of the largest companies to carry mainly Eucalyptus-based products in Malaysia and their products are distributed in high-end grocery stores, pharmacies, and local retail stores and are exported across South East Asia including Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei.

This distilled oil derived from eucalyptus trees has many benefits that include antibacterial and antiviral properties, consisting of medicinal values that are suitable to relieve any discomfort, especially stomach aches.

But what sets Eucapro apart from its competitor is that their eucalyptus leaves are imported directly from Australia and each leaf have gone through multiple testing and it is proven to be effective against harmful bacteria such as the coronavirus, hand-foot-mouth disease, and H1N1.

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In a world where digital landscapes can be challenging, Eucapro’s amazing journey reminds us that success in the digital world is achievable, even in the face of adversity. With determination, the right platform, and a commitment to the greater good, everyone can conquer the online world.

Natural cleaning products are more in demand now than ever before. If you are interested to build a healthier home, here is where you can get Eucapro natural products.

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Share your story with us

Lazada is looking for a seller with compelling background story! If you think your seller story should be heard, fill in the online registration form and our production team will be in touch. Inspired to be your own boss? Sign up as a seller today.

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They desire to sell online and won’t stop – now they’re winning!

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In the ever-evolving landscape of eCommerce, the pursuit of the latest trends highlights one fundamental truth: the core of online business thrives on understanding consumer needs. Yet, while businesses diligently cater to these needs, many find themselves replicating one another. Amidst this sea of similarity, there’s an opportunity to stand out amongst the others – awaiting to be discovered by those who dare to take that chance to find their niche.

The Brewing Success of Astep’s Coffee Beans

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Being a brick-and-mortar coffee shop owner, Alson Ong did not dare to take that chance at first – thinking that the coffee industry is strictly a community-based industry, where consumers prefer to buy from shops that are in their own neighborhood. That was until Bjorn Gan, then only a customer of Alson’s Roastery in JB, had the idea to venture into online business together with Alson.

That was how Astep was founded. Astep is an online store that has gained immense popularity amongst coffee lovers with their exceptional range of hand-roasted coffee beans.

Astep beans are imported from over 20 countries, Indonesian, China, South Africa, Sabah and many more. Being the only roastery that roasts its coffee bean every single day for online business, it is no wonder why many have fallen in love with the brand.

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Alson’s love for coffee started back in 2017 with his dad when his love for modern coffee techniques was met with his dad’s love for traditional drip coffee. This father-son duo’s deep passion in coffee had paved the way to shock others with their tasty “made-with-love” coffee. One of the few that was mesmerized was Bjorn Gan. After tasting Alson’s coffee, Bjorn needed the whole of Malaysia to know how good this coffee is, and he needed Malaysia to have a taste of Astep fast!

Astep started their operations selling on Lazada during the pandemic, a feat not many will take. Their participation in Lazada campaigns like 11.11 mega campaign had truly helped them boost their sales. They leveraged on seller tools such as LazBonus, Flexi Combo, and Free Shipping Max to give their customers the best deals as an incentive to their wide customer base all over Malaysia. To attract more new customers, they also offer free gifts, such as trial packets.

Today, they have a team of 6 staff to fulfill customers’ orders, roasting up to 1 ton of coffee beans a month with a café, a roasting factory and a coffee farm under their name! Not only that, Lazada has also named Bjorn Gan as one of our Lazada Certified Trainer for other sellers to follow on his step-by-step guide in becoming a successful Lazada seller!

The Pros with Their Tools Reshaping The Hardware Industry

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Meanwhile, when many go to brick-and-mortar stores to purchase hardware products, Mr. Ong, the founder of Protools One Step Solution had a different idea in mind. Having spent 7 years in an electrical company, Bosch, the hardware industry was not foreign to Mr. Ong. He knew of the hardware market that is often disorganized, and he wanted to change that.

Mr. Ong had envisioned a hardware store that could cater to everyone all over Malaysia, not only with quality tools for buyers but also with a proper display and a conducive environment such as good after-sales service and trainings for other brands to sell in his store.

When he first started his online business on Lazada, many had questioned the viability of selling online, including his own parents! Like Alson, Mr. Ong’s parents had thought that the hardware industry was strictly a community-based industry. Some of his competitors and industry peers had even laughed at Mr. Ong for his vision to start selling hardware tools online!

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But he saw the gap in the market and he believed in the potential of online retail. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Ong’s online business experienced significant growth – with Lazada serving as a driving force behind those sales.

Protools One Step Solution’s journey began to flourish in 2021 with the help of 11.11 mega campaign and seller tools such as vouchers and flash sales. Vouchers proved to be very helpful in driving sales, and flash sales are Mr. Ong’s go-to seller tools for stock clearance. Plus, with the help of Lazada’s Masterclass, Protools One Step Solution’s staff were groomed to become more innovative with the way they sell online.

Today, Protools One Step Solution could reach up to 400-500K in sales monthly, with 80% coming from Lazada. In a year, their overall sales reached a staggering RM1 million across all platforms. Soon, they will be setting up their brick-and-mortar stores in other states!

It’s true – following your dreams can be daunting, often overlooked as a mere hobby that may not lead to substantial sales. But what if we’ve been underestimating the potential of this dream?  The path to success was not devoid of obstacles and naysayers. Both these businesses faced skepticism, even from those closest to them. But their determination and belief in online retail, matched with the power of Lazada as a supportive partner, have transformed their journey into remarkable stories.

It’s time to believe and turn your passion into profit with Lazada!

Want to stand out just like Astep Coffee and Protools? There are so many ways we can help you. Head on to Sell With Lazada to kickstart your e-commerce business. You will gain insights from experts and experience workshops that will guide you along your seller journey.

If you want to stay in the eCommerce trend, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends, seller hacks and Lazada insights.

Share your story with us

Lazada is looking for a seller with compelling background story! If you think your seller story should be heard, fill in the online registration form and our production team will be in touch. Inspired to be your own boss? Sign up as a seller today.

SPM leavers with zero eCommerce knowledge earns RM28,000 a month!

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The increasing importance of paper qualifications in today’s society has led many to believe that success in life requires a diploma or degree. However, Joseph, 23, and Debbie, 21, the co-founders of Jobbie Nut Butter decided to take an alternative route on their success journey.

While their peers were focused on furthering their studies, Joseph and Debbie took up odd jobs after completing their SPM exams, which exposed them to the realities of the real world at a young age. They faced numerous challenges before their business took off.

Without any culinary expertise, experience, or fancy academic credentials, the duo ventured into the food and beverage industry, specifically homemade peanut butter. With only RM10,000 in cash accumulated from years of odd jobs, they purchased basic equipment, furniture, raw materials, and rented a space.

Although lacking in culinary skills, they compensated with determination, perseverance, and quick lessons from YouTube. This allowed them to develop a standardized procedure for their peanut butter.

Their goal was to offer Malaysians the real taste of peanut butter, free from harmful preservatives and with high nutritional value.

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After a period of six months and receiving constructive criticism, they rebranded their peanut butter from its original name, ‘Walao-Eh!!! Peanut Butter,’ to Jobbie Nut Butter. They started supplying cafes, restaurants, and other retail outlets.

Initially operating from their rented house, Joseph and Debbie handled everything from product development to sales. They relied on a part-timer during weekends. However, their first year was not profitable. They faced financial difficulties to the point of sharing a bowl of pan mee to survive. 

Selling only a few bottles in the beginning, their hard work and dedication paid off as they now sell thousands of bottles monthly.

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Despite facing scepticism due to their young age, they persisted and even delivered their products personally, with Joseph once carrying 20kgs of peanut butter on one hand while holding an umbrella in the other as he took public transport on a rainy day.

They faced further adversity when Joseph was involved in a car accident, leaving them with just RM300 in their bank account. Nevertheless, they persevered.

Their journey into the online realm began with Jobbie selling on their own website. They later expanded to Lazada, attracted by its various seller tools. They particularly found success with Sponsored Discovery tools, which increased their sales fivefold after a year on the platform.

Buyers and sellers trust Lazada for its authenticity and quality, making it an ideal platform for Jobbie.

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Jobbie Nut Butter now has 6 staff members managing its brand. In this interview, Victor Chin, CEO of Jobbie Nut Butter and Michael Woon, Head of Marketing of Jobbie Nut Butter sat in to share their take on how Lazada has helped elevate Jobbie Nut Butter brand positioning in the eCommerce world.

Victor explains, “Platforms like Lazada has a very central role in the eCommerce industry because it allows up-start promising brands to break through the market.”

Joseph and Debbie have since established their own factory and office. From earning RM28,000 annually, they now make RM20,000 to RM30,000 per month by selling 1,000 to 2,000 bottles monthly.

If you are in it for the scrumptious treat, Jobbie is your to go daily staple foods!

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Share your story with us

Lazada is looking for a seller with compelling background story! If you think your seller story should be heard, fill in the online registration form and our production team will be in touch. Inspired to be your own boss? Sign up as a seller today.

Follow us on FacebookInstagramTikTok, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest ecommerce trends and seller hacks.